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Memorandums of Understanding / Transfer Agreements

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), also known as a transfer agreement, is a good-faith agreement among facilities to be used at the time of an emergency to facilitate the evacuation of residents/clients. It is recommended that facilities sign MOUs with as many as 20 different buildings, locally and outside the county. Consider trying to evacuate nearly 100 residents, with other facilities only able to take 3-5 residents - or other facilities in your area are also being impacted and searching for beds. Additionally, facilities should always alert their county Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) when activating their Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and facing evacuation. To find out who your MHOAC is, visit Contact Your County.

     Established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), the California Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) supports the integration of Long-Term Care (LTC) into disaster planning and response efforts throughout the state of California. 


     CAHF's Disaster Preparedness Program is designed to take an all hazards approach and has several aspects: education, facilitation of planning efforts, development of resources and tools, and state-level advocacy for long-term care.


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