Acts of Violence
Active shooter situations and large-scale acts of violence are, unfortunately, a growing segment of emergency management. However, CAHF-DPP seeks to bring LTC facilities resources & training adapted specifically to their needs.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to enhance preparedness through a ”whole community” approach by providing training, products, and resources to a broad range of stakeholders on issues such as active shooter awareness, incident response, and workplace violence. To view these materials visit: www.dhs.gov/activeshooter
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Active Shooter (pdf) (doc)
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Hazardous Materials (pdf) (doc)
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Shelter in Place (pdf) (doc)
Dept of Homeland Security - How to Respond to an Active Shooter - Pocket Card (pdf)
Dept of Homeland Security - How to Respond to an Active Shooter Pocket Card (Spanish)(pdf)
Dept of Homeland Security - How to Respond to When an Active Shooter is in Your Vicinity (pdf)
Dept of Homeland Security - Active Shooter Poster (Spanish)(pdf)
HCANJ, LeadingAge New Jersey - "LTC Shots Fired" Tabletop Exercise Situation Manual (pdf)