Safe Evacuation for Long-Term Care
Evacuation is a last resort for long-term-care facilities, and should be prepared for using an all-hazards approach. Also refer to: the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment, Emergency Operations Plan, Nursing Home Incident Command System, and the Business Continuity Plan.
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Evacuation (pdf) (doc)
CAHF - Evacuation Client "GO KIT" - Suggested Contents (pdf)
CAHF - Evacuation Tabletop Exercise Guide for Long-Term Care Facilities (pdf)
Shelter Medical Group - Guide for "The Care and Shelter of Medically Fragile People" (pdf)
San Joaquin County - Final Long-Term Care Facility Evacuation Plan (pdf)
San Joaquin County - Long-Term Care Facility Evacuation Planning Considerations (pdf)
San Diego County - Skilled Nursing Disaster Preparedness & Response Plan (pdf)
San Diego County - Skilled Nursing and/or LTC Facilities Emergency Mutual Aid MOA (pdf)
Stanislaus County - Final Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (pdf)