The CA Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) is funded through grants with the CA Department of Public Health, Los Angeles County Health Services, and other grants throughout the state. This website is a free resource library of emergency management tools for long-term care organizations. CAHF-DPP has collected materials and best practices from around the United States for the last ten years, and adapted many tools to fit the needs of LTC providers. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Thank you to Our Grant Partners!
Beginner's Guide
Don't know where to start on your emergency preparedness program? Check out this list of links that will guide you around our website, and listed in step-by-step order.
CAHF-DPP offers one-day trainings, tabletop exercises, webinars, and other instructional materials via Youtube. Check the Events page for our next in-person training!
Courses we offer:
All-Hazards Business Continuity for Long Term Care
Nursing Home Incident Command: Introduction
Nursing Home Incident Command: Train-the-Trainer
Raising the Bar on Emergency Preparedness: the 2016 CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
Active Shooter Preparedness for Healthcare Providers
Los Angeles County Disaster Resource Center Updates
Safe Evacuation for Long Term Care Providers
Psychological First Aid for LTC Residents
Care Considerations for Residents During Disasters
Earthquake Response and Recovery for LTC